December 5-6, 2020 - Online: Yoga Therapy – Turning Toward our Grief and Dying

Join Anne Pitman for a special 2-part training which will address end of life care, how to hold grief, and support our clients in doing the same.
When? December 5 & 6, 2020 - 11:00am-6:00pm
Tickets here
In this workshop, we will lift the veil on our cultural death phobia, study the language of death, and begin our own work, as therapists, approaching our inevitable last breath. We will explore how to support others as they die, with compassionate human presence, offering subtle breath, gentle movement, and methods of release and letting go in order to approach death compassionately and mindfully, even in the face of pain, fear and anxiety.
In this workshop, turn toward death and cultivate a practice that brings death into the centre, befriended and honoured.
October 21, 2020 - JivamayaYoga Wisdom Talks with Anne Pitman discussing GRIEF
SEYT's Anne Pitman speaks with Jivamaya Yoga Wisdom about Grief. Discussing the possibility of grief in the body, the idea of being stuck in grief.
October 15, 2020 - Please donate! A note from Anne Pitman
Through my work with people facing cancer, shock (of diagnosis, tests and results, difficult conversations) continues to show up as an embodied trauma. The video today addresses this:
Rolling with Shock and Anxiety
We all experience shock and anxiety, no one more so than a person diagnosed with cancer and their family. To help modulate the nervous system, avoid PTSD and return all affected to their inherent agency, experience the body softening movement and breath of an un-patterned practice.
In this class, play with lateral rolling, natural breath, interoception awareness and novel movement. This gentle practice is a conversation with the vastly intelligent nervous system, and is more restful than challenging, and more an inquiry than a prescription.
Many thanks to the tireless efforts of
and team, (including the amazing yoga teachers) let's continue to support children and their families as they face this challenging disease.
Thank you all for donating!!!!!!!!!!!